
Principles for Responsible Banking: Guidance Document

Author: UNEP FI
Published year: 2021
Category: Guidelines & Toolkits

The Principles for Responsible Banking and their mechanisms for implementation and accountability are captured in three primary documents: The Principles Signature Docu- ment, the Key Steps to be Implemented by Signatories, and the Reporting and Self-As- sessment Template. These are referred to as the Principles for Responsible Banking Framework Documents.

The purpose of this Guidance Document is to support the implementation of the Princi- ples by providing non-binding guidance to banks on measures they can take to imple- ment each Principle.1

Each section of the document begins with the Principle, an introductory paragraph that sets out the intention of the Principle and a summary of what the Principle requires from a signatory. This is followed by suggested measures banks can employ to implement each Principle, key resources banks can use, and examples that provide some concrete ideas.