Profile of CV. Rotan Jepara

[Business name] is a [Business type] enterprise based in [Address]. Our enterprise was established in [Year of Establishment] with focus to [Analysis of Value Chain Position and Specific Commodity]. We have obtained [Management and Legality Certification]. Our commitment to sustainability is shown by [Sustainability Certification]. Our enterprise has a total of [Total Employees] employees of which the [Women role analysis] are women. Our [Specific Commodity Material] is sourced from [Location/Type or Producer] in [Geographic Location], including [Women/Other Marginalized Group if any] operation. Our community engagement activities include [Type of Support to Producers]. We have a total asset of [Total Asset] and average annual sales of [Average Annual Sales] in the recent three years. We are looking for [Type of Funding Needed] to fund our business project on [Business Project].

Keterangan lainnya

  • Sektor: trading
  • Produk: other
  • Afiliasi ke organisasi dan asosiasi lokal:
  • Negara organisasi: Indonesia
  • Sertifikasi mutu manajemen: Tersedia
  • Sertifikasi legalitas: Tersedia
  • Sertifikasi keberlanjutan untuk komoditas: Tidak tersedia
  • Sertifikasi lainnya: -
  • Melibatkan deforestasi dalam produksi komoditas kehutanan atau pertanian: Ya
  • Melibatkan eksploitasi pekerja anak, masyarakat lokal, atau petani skala kecil, dalam produksi komoditas kehutanan atau pertanian: Ya
Peran gender
  • Apa peran wanita dalam UMKM Anda?: Pekerja
  • Peran wanita lainnya: -

Proyek CV. Rotan Jepara

Pengisian Interior hotel

8 November 2022
UMKM: CV. Rotan Jepara
Sektor: Perdagangan
Produk: Kerajinan kombinasi kayu dan metal
Negara: Indonesia