
UNEP FI Impact Analysis Tools: Context module

Penulis: UNEP FI
Tahun terbit: 2022
Kategori: Guidelines & Toolkits

About the Impact Analysis Tools

The Impact Analysis Tools are iterative input-output workflows built in Excel. They

requires users to input data to describe their business or portfolio (e.g. percentage of

gross income per business line, percentage of drawn outstanding loans for a given

sector and in a given country, etc.) and to reflect their current impact performance (e.g.

quantitative data such GHG reductions, diversity of SMEs financed, number of persons

from vulnerable populations serviced and qualitative data such as the existence of policies and processes to detect and deal with wage theft or domestic violence).

The Tools use the input data in combination with a set of in-built impact mappings to

produce a number of outputs, in particular a set of impact profiles by business line, and

to guide the user in identifying most significant impact areas and determining priorities,

thus setting the basis for strategy development and target-setting.